Rev. Al Sharpton
January 14, 2009
Since the passage of Prop 8, there has been a lot of finger pointing at the black community and the religious community over their votes for the anti-gay measure. Despite this fervor of scapegoating, Rev. Al Sharpton remains convinced that LGBT people deserve equality. More Info...

Tell the Alliance of Faith Based Organizations that you agree with Rev. Sharpton, and hope they will act in support of LGBT equality.Contact Alliance leader Minister Louis Hinton.


Suggested Email (copy & paste into email)

Dear Minister Hinton -

I recently read on about Al Sharpton’s comments at a recent meeting of the Alliance of Faith Based Organizations. I am writing to express my support for Rev. Sharpton’s comments, and hope that you and the AFBO will follow his lead and continue to fight for the civil rights of every human, gay straight, or otherwise. Thank you for support of our movement. If we are to win this battle, we need you, and we are proud to count you, Rev. Sharpton, and the AFBO among our allies.


Another Citizen for Equality

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