President Barack Obama
January 20, 2009
Mere hours after he took office, President Obama’s staff has revamped the White House website to look great, and it includes a section on his administrations civil rights agenda, which discusses at great length priorities to create LGBT equality. Take that, W! More Info...

Tell the President you appreciate his concern for the rights of all Americans, especially our LGBT community.

Click here to contact President Obama.:

Suggested Message (copy & paste into webform)

As part of a campaign organized by, I want to express how proud and optimistic I am today: proud of the historic inauguration of a President who reflects a new image for America, one of inclusion and global citizenship, and optimistic that LGBT issues are a high priority for you. I hope that your administration will vigorously pursue these goals. Should you do that, know that you will continue to receive my support, and my thanks for your service.

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