United Pastors in Mission
December 21, 2008
Last week the Cleveland City Council created a domestic partnership registry. While the registry conferred absolutely no legal rights and privileges, the religious right in Cleveland is trying to move the question of a registry or no registry to the ballot box. A group of ministers called the United PAstors in Mission and led by Dr. C Jay Matthews (pictured) has been quietly lobbying black council members and pressuring them to denounce the registry or suffer the consequence of a potential recall from their post. More Info...

Let's communicate to this group of ministers that they cannot strong-arm the political process, and moreover have no interest in the elimination of this registry aside from the perpetuation of hate. How should we communicate this? By flooding their office with calls to officiate at gay weddings, of course.

Dr. Matthews
Church Business Office: 216-426-0638
Email: matcjay@aol.com

UPM President Rev. Martin McMickle
Antioch Baptist Church: 216-421-1516
Email: mknuckles@antiochcleveland.org

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